February 6th

BLOG_9 Celebrating You: The Unsung Hero of Your Own Story.

As I watched the glitz and glamour of the Emmy and Critics Choice Awards, I was struck by the powerful speeches (This speech inspired me to write this Blog) and the season of celebration in the movie industry. It made me think – why wait for grand occasions to celebrate our achievements?

Why not celebrate ourselves, just as we are right now?

The Importance of Celebration:

Celebration is not just about acknowledging success; it’s about honouring the journey, the effort, and the resilience it takes to chase our dreams. Celebrating our wins, big or small, reinforces our self-worth, boosts our confidence, and propels us forward with renewed vigour.

A Personal Reflection:

On my entrepreneurial journey, transitioning from a corporate environment to the unpredictability of entrepreneurship was a leap filled with challenges and learning curves. Celebrating milestones along this path wasn’t inherent to me; it was a practice I had to adopt consciously. From launching initiatives like ‘Lead, Grow, Inspire’ to navigating the complexities of building a business from the ground up, each step deserved its moment of acknowledgement. This practice of celebrating not just the outcomes but the courage, the late nights, the resilience, and even the setbacks has been pivotal in my growth.

The Power of Sharing Celebrations:

Sharing our celebrations does more than just spread joy; it creates a ripple effect of inspiration and motivation. When we share our achievements and the stories behind them, we invite others to reflect on their journeys and find reasons to celebrate. It reminds us that we’re not alone in our endeavours and that each of us has victories worth recognizing.

As we navigate our paths, let’s make a conscious effort to celebrate ourselves and each other.

Let’s recognize the hard work, the perseverance, and the dedication it takes to pursue our goals. Remember, every step forward, no matter how small, is a victory. You are the unsung hero of your story, and it’s time to give yourself the applause you deserve.

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” – Eckhart Tolle.

In sharing this reflection, I hope to ignite a passion for self-celebration within you. As we learn to appreciate our journey and the strides we’ve made, we not only enhance our lives but also encourage those around us to recognize and celebrate their unique paths.

And if you want to (re)discover your uniqueness and brilliance, take a moment to schedule a free-of-charge insightful conversation with me.

Say bold, stay brilliant,


24 January

BLOG_8 🌟🏔️ Get Lost to Find Yourself: ‘Summit Insights’.

Imagine standing at the base of the great Himalayas, looking up at the sky-touching peaks. This wasn’t just a trip to see the world’s tallest mountains; it was my challenge to chase my dreams and prove that I could do it. But as I soon found out, this adventure was about to take me on an incredible journey inside myself.

The Unexpected Turn

I started with a clear goal: to reach Everest Base Camp, show my strength, and enjoy the thrill of success. But as I walked those wild paths, something unique started happening. The challenging climb became a path to a more profound, more thoughtful journey. The tall, proud mountains around me taught me about being small but strong.

Lightening My Load

As I hiked those ancient trails with my backpack, I realized it was filled with more than just supplies. It was heavy with my past, unachieved dreams, and hidden potential. As I walked on, feeling the weight on my shoulders, I started letting go of these emotional loads I had been carrying without even knowing.

Walking and Wondering

Every step turned into a moment of meditation, a time to think deeply and reconnect with myself. In the stunning Himalayan landscape, even with friends around, I found quiet moments where I could listen to my thoughts, question things, grow, and change.

Connections That Count

This journey brought me close to my fellow hikers in a way I never expected. We saw each other’s weak and intense moments, shared hard times and victories, and we saw parts of ourselves in each other through it all.

Coming Home Changed

When I returned to my everyday life, everything seemed different, or maybe I was the one who had changed. The changes that started in the mountains kept going. It took time, but I finally stepped away from my corporate job to find something more meaningful, follow my true purpose, and hold onto the freedom I first felt in the Himalayas.

Now, I’m inviting you on a Himalayan journey of your own. It’s not just about seeing these magnificent mountains; it’s about exploring the unknown parts of your heart and soul. If you’re curious and longing for a deeper understanding of yourself, this is your adventure. Come with me, Beyond C. and Himalayan Quests, and let’s find the greatness within you, one thoughtful step at a time.

Stay Bold. Stay Brilliant.



Imagine standing at the base of the great Himalayas, looking up at the sky-touching peaks. This wasn’t just a trip to see the world’s tallest mountains; it was my challenge to chase my dreams and prove that I could do it. But as I soon found out, this adventure was about to take me on an incredible journey inside myself.

The Unexpected Turn

I started with a clear goal: to reach Everest Base Camp, show my strength, and enjoy the thrill of success. But as I walked those wild paths, something unique started happening. The challenging climb became a path to a more profound, more thoughtful journey. The tall, proud mountains around me taught me about being small but strong.

Lightening My Load

As I hiked those ancient trails with my backpack, I realized it was filled with more than just supplies. It was heavy with my past, unachieved dreams, and hidden potential. As I walked on, feeling the weight on my shoulders, I started letting go of these emotional loads I had been carrying without even knowing.

Walking and Wondering

Every step turned into a moment of meditation, a time to think deeply and reconnect with myself. In the stunning Himalayan landscape, even with friends around, I found quiet moments where I could listen to my thoughts, question things, grow, and change.

Connections That Count

This journey brought me close to my fellow hikers in a way I never expected. We saw each other’s weak and intense moments, shared hard times and victories, and we saw parts of ourselves in each other through it all.

Coming Home Changed

When I returned to my everyday life, everything seemed different, or maybe I was the one who had changed. The changes that started in the mountains kept going. It took time, but I finally stepped away from my corporate job to find something more meaningful, follow my true purpose, and hold onto the freedom I first felt in the Himalayas.

Now, I’m inviting you on a Himalayan journey of your own. It’s not just about seeing these magnificent mountains; it’s about exploring the unknown parts of your heart and soul. If you’re curious and longing for a deeper understanding of yourself, this is your adventure. Come with me, Beyond C. and Himalayan Quests, and let’s find the greatness within you, one thoughtful step at a time.

Stay Bold. Stay Brilliant.


January 16th 

BLOG_6 The Sneaky Procrastination You Didn’t Notice! 

Have you ever hit the snooze button more times than you’d like to admit? Last week, I was trapped in a real-life version of “Groundhog Day” of procrastination. As I wrapped up the creative part of strategizing my programs, a daunting wall emerged: execution. And there I was, procrastinating.

Hitting the snooze button on tasks sounds scary, right? If you’ve ever found yourself postponing essential tasks, you’ll understand the frustrating cycle I was caught in. It’s an everyday struggle, and I want to share how I fought back.

The Anatomy of My Procrastination

It began with overwhelming stress, where the thought of upcoming tasks clouded my excitement. Then, distractions crept in – social media, side projects, and even the kitchen became a haven for comfort food and endless caffeine. This cycle repeated, leaving me in a state of frustration and sadness. It was a stark revelation of my biggest bottleneck.

Taking Action Against Procrastination

I refused to be stuck in this paralyzing loop. Employing Mel Robbins’ five-second rule, among other strategies, I began my battle against procrastination. And here’s the thing – this isn’t just my battle; it’s a challenge we all face.

Five Ways to Overcome Procrastination

  1. Five-Second Rule: When procrastination whispers in your ear, count down 5-4-3-2-1 and spring into action.
  2. Small, Achievable Goals: Break down tasks into manageable pieces to avoid feeling swamped.
  3. Make this part fun for yourself: Include music movement, and sneak in some jokes!
  4. Seek Accountability: Share your objectives with someone who’ll keep you on track. (Buddy, coach, mentor, a friend)
  5. Celebrate Every Step: Recognize and celebrate each small victory along your journey.

Your Turn: Identifying Procrastination in Your Life

Now, I think it’s your turn to reflect.

Where does procrastination sneak into your life? Observe your daily patterns, identify these moments, and understand the bottlenecks in your process.

As we enter a new day, let’s embrace the challenge of overcoming procrastination. Hitting the snooze button on life’s tasks might seem trivial, but it’s a sign. It’s a call to action.

We can break free from this cycle by recognizing our patterns, employing effective strategies, and staying committed to our goals. The snooze button is not just a delay; it’s a moment of truth. It’s a call to action, urging us to reclaim our time and productivity.

Be mindful, set achievable goals, and celebrate every small win. Remember, the power to overcome procrastination lies within us. Don’t let the snooze button define your day; let your actions shape a purposeful and accomplished life. It’s time to rise, shine, and seize the opportunities that await.

Own your day, own your life! 🚀

Stay bold, stay brilliant,


BLOG_5 Let Go to Grow: Embracing Change for a Transformative 2024. December 

Picture a hot-air balloon weighed down by heavy sandbags. That’s us, clinging to old patterns, outdated beliefs, and energies that no longer serve us. Imagine how high we could soar if we just let go!

As we stand on the brink of 2024, it’s the perfect time for a bold transformation. Let’s dare to ask ourselves:

What do we need to release to ascend in the coming year?

Together, we’ll explore the art of releasing what holds us back, making room for growth, joy, and unprecedented success in 2024.

Ready to lighten your load and soar to new heights?

Identifying What Holds Us Back

We often carry burdens that hinder our ascent. It could be self-doubt, fear of failure, or even the comfort of the familiar that stifles our growth. This section will encourage you to look honestly at what didn’t serve you in the past year. It’s about acknowledging these weights, understanding their impact, and preparing to let them go.

The Liberating Power of Letting Go

The act of letting go is both symbolic and transformative. Write down the things that you’re ready to release. Feel their weight one last time, and then let them go. Burn the paper, shred it, or release it into the wind. This isn’t just a physical act; it’s a powerful statement of your readiness to move forward unburdened.

Creating Space for New Beginnings

You create an invaluable space for new growth by shedding these old weights. This section is about envisioning the possibilities that open up when the past does not hold you back. It’s a call to dream big, set new goals, and embrace the opportunities that come with a fresh start.

As we countdown to 2024, let’s make a pact to rise higher than ever. Letting go isn’t just about saying goodbye to the old; it’s about welcoming the new with open arms and an unburdened heart. Here’s to a year of transformative growth, boundless joy, and success that resonates with our deepest selves.

“Sometimes letting go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.” – Eckhart Tolle.

BLOG_4 2024: Time’s Up for Playing by Your Rules of Success. November 

Picture this: Another year zooms by, and you’re still sailing on a course charted by someone else’s idea of success. Enough! The clock’s ticking, and it’s high time to grab the wheel of your own life.

As we gear up to welcome 2024, let’s ditch the playbook that never really suited you.

It’s your moment to confront the big question: What does success mean to YOU, not just what you’ve been told it should be?

I’m here to shake you out of the complacency of ‘standard’ success. Let’s boldly redefine what triumph and fulfilment look like on your terms. We’re not just tweaking the edges; we’re rewriting the script. Ready to challenge the norm with me? Let’s dive in!

Breaking Away from Conventional’ Success’

We’ve all been tricked into chasing someone else’s dream – the corner office, the fancy title, the societal nods of approval. But let’s call it out – isn’t it all a bit… tedious? This section is your wake-up call: question everything and dare to dream of your version of success.

Crafting Your Personal Success Manifesto

It’s time to get real and raw with yourself. Here are three burning questions to light up your path:

  1. What Accelerates Your Engine? – Dig deep and uncover what genuinely makes you feel alive. Is it conquering professional challenges, personal milestones, or an unexplored passion?
  2. What Are Your Non-Negotiable Values? – Identify the core principles that you refuse to compromise on. How will these shape your unique success story?
  3. Where Will You Truly Excel? – Envision your best 2024. Where are you not just surviving but thriving and conquering?

Seizing Your Moment in 2024

With your new manifesto, it’s time to plot a bold course for the year ahead. Set goals that resonate with your newfound definition of success. Dream big, plan audaciously, and prepare to make waves.

The Urgency of Your Journey

Time waits for no one, and there’s no room for half-hearted attempts. This section is a rallying cry to embrace your unique path with enthusiasm and determination. It’s about owning your story, celebrating your victories, and relentlessly pursuing what sets your soul on fire.

As 2024 beckons, let’s not just walk – sprint towards a future where we’re achieving and thriving on our terms. Shake off the old, tired definitions of success. Your time is now. Seize, own, and show the world what true success looks like!

Lead. Grow. Inspire.

Anna G.

BLOG_3 Beyond Bubble Baths: The Real Deal on Self-Care October 


Close your eyes and think of self-care. Do you see a fleeting moment of indulgence, perhaps a serene hour in a spa? Now, let’s broaden that vision.

Self-care is often portrayed as a luxury, a temporary escape from reality. But it’s so much more than that.

Proper self-care is an ongoing commitment to your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It’s about setting and respecting your boundaries, prioritizing yourself, and embracing all your emotions, comfortable or not. Let’s explore this more profound understanding of self-care.

Redefining Self-Care

Self-care is not a luxury but necessary for a balanced, healthy life. It’s not just about treating yourself; it’s about caring for yourself. This means paying attention to your mental, emotional, and physical needs and responding to them respectfully. It’s about recognizing that your well-being is the foundation upon which you can build a fulfilling life.

Setting and Respecting Boundaries

A key component of self-care is setting healthy boundaries. This could mean learning to say no, understanding your limits, and not overextending yourself. It’s about protecting your energy and your peace. But setting boundaries is only half the battle; respecting them is equally important. It shows a deep level of self-respect and understanding of your worth.

Prioritizing Yourself and Embracing Emotions

Self-care also involves putting yourself first, not as an afterthought. This might mean dedicating time to activities that nourish you or simply permitting yourself to rest. It’s about listening to your body and mind and honouring their needs. Equally, it’s about allowing yourself to fully experience your emotions – the good, the bad, and the uncomfortable, understanding that this is a crucial part of your emotional health.

Self-Care as a Daily Practice

Proper self-care is a consistent, daily practice. It’s not just about big gestures but also the tiny, everyday actions contributing to your overall well-being. This could be as simple as a morning routine setting your day’s tone, regular check-ins with yourself, or practising mindfulness. It’s a journey of self-discovery and self-love, an ongoing process that requires commitment and patience.

So, how are you with self-care? It’s an important question to ask yourself regularly. Self-care is not just about the occasional treat; it’s about creating a life where you consistently feel valued, respected, and cared for.

Is your self-care on red, yellow or green status?

Lead. Grow. Inspire.

Anna G.

BLOG_2 Elevate Your Leadership: Overcoming Challenges, Embracing Growth. September 


Imagine standing at a crossroads in your leadership journey, faced with an impossible challenge. Not too long ago, this was me navigating a complex team dynamic that threatened to derail our project. It’s a scenario familiar to many leaders. The leadership path is often strewn with such hurdles, each testing our resolve, skill, and spirit.

But here’s the silver lining: facing and conquering these obstacles is not just necessary; it’s fundamental to our personal and professional growth.

Understanding Leadership Challenges

In my journey, I’ve encountered myriad challenges – from the burnout that lurks in prolonged high-stress situations to the intricate dance of team dynamics. These experiences, though challenging, have been invaluable to teachers. They highlighted a crucial aspect of leadership: self-awareness is not just beneficial; it’s essential.

Strategies for Overcoming Obstacles

So, how do we navigate these challenges? Firstly, by managing stress and understanding its sources. Techniques like mindful meditation and structured downtime have been my allies against burnout. Effective team management, another critical area, hinges on clear communication and empathy. And let’s remember the role of continuous personal development in honing our leadership acumen.

Transforming Challenges into Opportunities

Every obstacle is a disguised opportunity for growth. Shifting our mindset to view challenges as learning experiences can be transformative. In my coaching career, I’ve witnessed firsthand how leaders turned their most challenging moments into stepping stones for success.

Leading with Heart and Empathy

Leadership is as much about the heart as it is about the mind. Empathy, often underrated, can significantly uplift team morale and productivity. Leading with heart doesn’t mean sacrificing professional boundaries; instead, it involves understanding and valuing the human element in our teams.

To sum up, the journey of leadership is replete with challenges. Yet, each challenge is a chance to grow stronger, wiser, and more resilient.

I invite you to embrace your journey with courage and confidence. Please share your experiences and continue growing as a leader who leads and inspires.

Lead. Grow. Inspire.

Anna G.

BLOG_1 Unlock Your Day August

The 3 Game-Changing Benefits of My Morning Routine 🌞

For 90 days, I’ve been diving into a morning routine, lighting my days up like a Christmas tree. I’m talking about better focus, turbocharged energy, and off-the-charts creativity. Want to know how this can shake up your life, too? Buckle up!

🎯 1. Laser-Sharp Focus

Morning routines aren’t just about chugging down green smoothies. They’re your secret weapon for pinpoint focus that’ll make you zero in on what truly matters—your business, passion projects, or even your personal life. Trust me, your to-do list will wonder what hit it.

🚀 2. Next-Level Energy

My morning routine pumps me with energy that coffee can only dream of providing. That boost pushes me to channel my energy right where it’s needed most, helping me turn even the loftiest goals from ‘someday’ to ‘slay it today.’

🎨 3. Skyrocketing Creativity

Get ready to meet the Picasso of your own life. With my mornings supercharged by a serotonin boost, my creative juices flow like a river. Ideas that used to feel like a trickle now burst forth like geysers.

🌈 The Magic Combo

The alchemy of these three perks? A life where great ideas aren’t just born but acted upon with unstoppable energy and focus.

🔥 Your Turn 🔥

I dare you—yes, DARE you—to test-drive your morning routine for a week. Do it, and let me know the difference it makes. Who knows, you might surprise yourself.

So, are you ready to make mornings your new secret weapon?

Comment below or hit reply, and let’s start this day as we own it!

Lead. Grow. Inspire.

Anna G.